
Metatrader 4

Trading platform

Trading platform

Broker account tracking tool

MetaTrade 4 is a tool that allows on one hand to execute manual trades, but also to get important information about the trades made by the robots: live trades, history of trades, gains and losses, ...

Drag to Reposition
Move Up or Down to Reposition
Move Left or Right to Reposition

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Using Metatrader 4

Linking your Broker account with MT4

If you want to use MetaTrader 4 (MT4), you should have already created your account with one of the brokers presented.

Once the account has been created, the broker will send you your MT4 login details. These are to be used to connect to MT4.

In the application :

  1. Click on settings;
  2. Click on new account;
  3. click on "Connect to an existing account" ;
  4. Search for the server name provided by your broker;
  5. Enter your username and password.

Note: Preferably use the password "Invesstissor" which gives read-only access.

Your account is connected

You can now use the tool to track your trades and see your history

Note: you can link several accounts on the application. To change your account, go to "settings".

Trade History

You can find your history by period by clicking on the "History" button

Follow a trade live

With MT4, it is possible to follow a trade live. To do this, click on the "trade" button

Members' opinions

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