

Electronic wallet Cryptocurrencies & Fiat

Electronic wallet Cryptocurrencies & Fiat

Advanced Cash, also known as Advcash, is an electronic wallet that allows you to quickly transfer money to platforms with which Advanced Cash has partnerships, for example: Binance and Roboforex. 

This wallet also allows you to convert Crypto to Fiat and vice versa at reasonable rates.

Drag to Reposition
Move Up or Down to Reposition
Move Left or Right to Reposition

Secure your cryptocurrencies

Sign up for Advcash

Step by Step Tutorial


At your service!

Step by step tutorial

  • 1 - Advcash

  • 2 - Deposits

  • 3 - Transfers

  • 4 - Withdrawals


Make a withdrawal

Binance funds

Withdrawals must be made directly within the Binance application.

HOW TO JOIN THE TELEGRAM CHANNEL dedicated to Robot-Trade?

Robot-Trade has set up two main channels. The first is a discussion channel.

This exchange channel is based on strong values: mutual aid and benevolence.

To join him, Click HERE

The second is an information channel.

To join him, Click HERE


In case of problems: 

  • Consult the Binance FAQ which is relatively complete and well documented;
  • Contact Binance support, 
  • contact us (Telegram for example: @joel_robot_trade) for support.

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