

Ethereum blockchain analysis platform

Ethereum blockchain analysis platform

Etherscan is the leading blockchain analytics platform for Ethereum. Built and launched in 2015, it is one of the oldest and longest running independent projects evolved around Ethereum and its community with the mission of providing fair access to blockchain data.

This tool is mainly used to track transactions in USDT ERC20, in order to have proof of payment.

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Start your search

Enter in the search bar the destination address, or the source address of your transaction.

It is also possible to use the transaction hash accessible from your crypto currency platform: crypto.com or binance.

Find your transaction

Click on Erc20 Token Txns.

Using the available fields, find your transaction and click on it.

Transaction details

The transaction details are displayed in the new window. A screenshot of this window can be an interesting proof of payment (with the transaction hash clearly readable).

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