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Presentation of the training
Algorithmic trading training (automatic)
The content
The basics
When you start, you need to understand the basics. Thanks to quality explanatory videos, you will quickly have the necessary foundations to get started in the financial markets, with trading robots.
The tools
You need the right tools to work with robots. You will see that when you understand how Metatrader works, and combine it with dedicated tools, the results are transformed!
Two Packs offered
The Discovery Pack robot is ideal for getting your foot in the door of automatic trading.
As for the robots in the Complete Pack, they are the result of years of work. They include everything you need to be profitable in today's markets, or to take on the challenges!
Focus on Training - Full Pack
[by Paul Bourdeau]
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During 14 days, a simple email and you are completely refunded!
Access to robots and powerful tools!
You will have access to all of Paul's trading tools: robots, personal resources, etc.
These tools are the result of years of work, research and testing. They will be an integral part of your success!
Access to the "Réussir en Bourse" group
To help you progress faster, and to get answers to your questions, you can join the private group "Succeed in the Stock Market" on Facebook! Paul is active there to accompany members, but also to share the latest trading news. He is committed to answering your messages within 24 hours.
Possibility to communicate on discord
If you decide to take the Advanced option, you will be able to access weekly group coaching on Discord. You will be able to communicate directly with Paul to ask your questions, and be coached along the way.
Full access to training, for life
The stock market is constantly evolving, and to be at the top, you must constantly update yourself and adapt to the markets. That's why the training course evolves regularly, and will continue to do so!
Don't worry, updates are, and always will be, free!
Payment facilities
The purchase of a training course has a significant cost.
In order to give the chances to a maximum of people to access it, payment facilities have been set up. If you need it, don't hesitate to use it!
Broker partners :
Training conducted by
Paul Bourdeau
"My name is Paul Bourdeau, born in 1990 in the south west of France. I started my career as a mining engineer in the industrial sector.
Passionate about the stock market, I started investing in it in 2015, getting interested in crypto-currencies, then CFDs and Forex. Like many people, I started with the basics found in any good tutorial and training: the trend is your friend, use supports and resistances, build a plan of action. Result: in 2 months, I went from a capital of 15k€ to 40k€. Then, in 2 more months from a capital of 40k€ to 15k€!
After this cold shower, I went back to the drawing board, and looked at the professionals, to understand how they did it. And I understood: they use algorithms able to follow an action plan like the ones I was building, but also able to test strategies 1000x faster than me, with much more reliable results!
After 2 years of work, testing, developing algorithms, programs, and efficient ways to test and optimize algorithms, I finally arrived at my goal: to be a (really!) profitable trader, by making algorithms work, and by stopping spending my time in front of screens to follow the stock market! "
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On the front page!
Algorithmic trading (Binance / Bybit / OKX API key)
Setting up your trading robot [By Paul Bourdeau].