Algorithmic trading (Binance / Bybit / OKX API key)
Cryptocurrency exchange platform is a platform to buy, sell and transfer crypto currencies. It can also be used as a bank account with its payment card (up to 8% cashback).
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Step by step tutorial
Withdrawals must be made directly within the application.
Robot-Trade has set up two main channels. The first is a discussion channel.
This exchange channel is based on strong values: mutual aid and benevolence.
To join him, Click HERE
The second is an information channel.
To join him, Click HERE
In case of problems:
- Consult the Binance FAQ which is relatively complete and well documented;
- Contact Binance support,
- contact us (Telegram for example: @joel_robot_trade) for support.
Members' opinions
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On the front page!
Setting up your trading robot [By Paul Bourdeau].